Iron Island Museum

Visited November 15, 2010
Investigators:  John, Brady, Jimbo
    The Iron Island Museum in Buffalo, New York began its life in 1888 as a wooden church.  By 1895 the congregation replaced the wooden structure with the brick building that stands today.  After a number of years, the building went empty and was purchased by a funeral home in the 1950's.  After going through another ownership change, a businessman donated the building to the Iron Island Preservation Society of Lovejoyin August 2000.  By October of the same year, the museum celebrated its grand opening and has been in operation since.



Location: Attic
While Jimbo and Brady discuss where to put a flashlight while performing an EVP in the attic, there is a strange noise from around them.  We cant say for sure that it is anything paranormal, but we cant tell you what it might be either.


Location: The Train Room
This was recorded in the far room of Iron Island that contains antique railroad memorabilia.  There have been several groups who have claimed to interact with the spirit of a young boy here.  In this evp, John was able to get something to complete the old Shave and a Haircut.


Location: Attic
In this EVP, as John speaks to whatever may be with us, we get footsteps circling us through the attic.  The only 3 people in the building at the time were standing still in the attic.  There is no way we can explain this other than it being footsteps.


Location: Attic
While in the attic, John had been strongly shoved by some unseen force while provoking.  This recording is taken after he was shoved.  Right after Brady reacts, you can hear something, though we cannot tell what may have been said or what it might have been.


Location: The Military Room
Brady asked for confimation that we were still speaking with someone while in the Military Room.  Surprisingly, something responded by setting off our 2 "Ghost Meter" EMF detectors.


Location: Basement
If you listen closely after John asks the spirits to respond, you'll hear an odd noise as the flashlight comes on.  The sound, of course, is not a sound that the Maglite itself made.


Location: The Chapel
While we were attempting to get the flashlight trick to work in the Chapel, we recorded what we believe to be a spirit speaking to us.  We have several ideas to what it may be saying, but what do you think?  The first recording here is the unedited section, and the second one is the cut section that was only amplified.


Location: Basement
At this point, we were communicating with something in the basement when brady felt as though something was sitting on his leg.  When he asks if that was the case, we recieved this very puzzling noise through our recorders that we are unsure of the origin.  It was recorded by 3 different recorders but was not audible to ourselves at the time.  As always, the second clip has only been shortened and amplified for the ease of listening.
